# Jalisco Brown Glaze Chocolate Pot, Vintage 1940's, 6" tall
Peso Priced Item.
Vintage Jalisco, Brown Glaze Pitcher, 1940's, beautiful thin body, lovely running glaze. These would be used over open fire for chocolate, atole, etc. A hot beverage. The unglazed bottom shows dark patina from years of use to its' owner. (Sirvo a mi dueña)
Notice the bulbous shape on the bottom of this old "jarra", that fits the round bottom of the chocolate stirrers ... in order to keep the powdered cocoa from lumping in the bottom.
This is 6" across, spout to handle, and 6" tall.
Again, if you´re not going to cook in this lovely old piece, it can easily become a recipient for those decorative wooden chocolate stirrers, spoons, etc.
From my 30 year collection of Mexican pottery.
Delivery/returns policy-Entregas y Devoluciones
Free delivery around the Lake Chapala area for purchases of $4000 pesos. We accept returns up to 7 days after the sale unless the items are sale priced, sorry, no returns on sale items. We previously delivered to Guadalajara for free but we no longer offer that service.
Entrega gratis en toda la zona del Lago de Chapala por compras de $4000 pesos. Aceptamos devoluciones hasta 7 días después de la venta a menos que los artículos tengan un precio de oferta, lo sentimos, no se aceptan devoluciones de artículos en oferta. Anteriormente hacíamos envíos gratis a Guadalajara pero ya no ofrecemos ese servicio.